Marketable Skills. (updated)

So at this point you’re probably thinking to yourself “Hey, Chayday, if I was married to you, what sort of text messages could I expect to interrupt my otherwise highly productive day?”

Well, gentle reader, I shall tell you.

Sometimes I like my text messages to be:
a) multi-part, and
b) themed.

Take, for instance, my recent decision to make up and send HORRIBLE jokes to my husband.

These are especially excellent if you know that before The Husband, I was not huge on bodily function humour. (Which explains his response to Joke the First.)


Yesterday, 3:50pm:
Me: “Why did the chicken cross the road?”
Him: “I dunno.”
Me: “Because he farted. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Him: “What have you done with my wife?”

Yesterday, 5:05pm.
Me: “Knock knock.”
(Weirdly, he didn’t reply to this, so I had to save it for today.)

Today, 2:51pm.
Me: “Knock knock.”
Him: “Who goes there?”
Me: “The chicken. He went outside to fart and forgot his keys.”
Me: “Can you believe I JUST came up with that?!”
Him: “Pure comedy gold.”


Wednesday, 5:03pm.
Me: “Why did the chicken light a match?”
(long delay)
Him: “Why?”
Me: “Because the power went out and he couldn’t see his Sudoku.”


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