Things I like Wednesday!

Where this is not a recurring thing, has nothing to do with Wednesdays, and is actually 50/50 things I like and dislike. Yay titles!!

5 small things I disproportionately like
1. Seeing promo materials for rock/sport/computer programs for little girls. Fuck yeah.
2. Doing any electrical work that results in things lighting up. LIGHT!
3. A good bruise obtained doing anything cool. I have a clonker on my right shoulder right now. But you should see the other guy.*
4. Mounting things on the wall. … No. I mean like, “taking advantage of vertical space”. No… I mean… Like shelves and hooks and things. Pervos.
5. Imitating Uni from Dungeons and Dragons. “Meeeeeh! *ppbbbbttt*” (Stupid infrequently teleporting unicorn).

6. BONUS! Related to #5. Waking Husband up on Saturday morning by saying “Cartoons! Car-toons! Caaaaaaaaartooooooooooooooons!” And then watching cartoons. Golden.

5 small things I disproportionately dislike
1. The Hokey Pokey. Just keep your feet where they are, thank you very much.
2. Extended conversations about feelings. Blaaaaaaaah. Booooooooo.
3. Being stuck in a traffic jam when you really really have to pee (oh god, it hurts just thinking about it…)
4. Toothpaste foam on someone’s face. Including my own. Shake, shudder, wheeze, hurl…
5. The idea of having a dog, and being indentured to building my day around picking up its poop. See also: Babies. Cats forever!!!

* The other guy is a tree. I rode into it while mountain biking. The tree is actually fine, but it’s one majestic bastard and you really should see it.

Get in your monkey stance.

Me: “Why do furries creep me out so much?”
Husband: “Well… you do hate pretending…”

It’s true. I do hate pretending.

Husband: “It’s like this blanket. You love this blanket. It’s soft and you say it feels like a bunny. But you’re not thinking of that when you think of furries. You think of people pretending.”

I also think of their creepy pointy dog faces. But point taken.

I like to think I’m fairly open-minded. Or, as I put it when I said that to the Husband “I like to think I’m fairly open-minded… but … yeah. I’m almost definitely wrong about that.”

Sure. I’m pretty liberal and and pretty shameless and pretty cool with other people doing their thing. Furries, you just keep on keeping on — I am sorry my hatred of pretending catches you in its wake. I don’t hate you. I just hate the magic of make believe. Who’s the sick one now?

Fetishy preferences aside — I do of course reserve (and frequently exercise) the right to think people are doing the wrong thing. Quoth Tim Minchin: “If you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

But this isn’t about judging people. This is about pretending, and how much I hate it. My open-mindedness contract has a “pretending notwithstanding” clause.

God how I hate it.

Sometimes people ask me what good plays are on. And I have to tell them they are asking the opposite of the right person. Because I don’t go to plays. In fact, I kind of hate the theatre. Does it involve make-believe? A wondrous transmogrification of the heart and soul into the world of fantasy? Are there costumes? Can it be goofy? Is there audience participation? Can I wait in the car?

I mean, I like that the theatre exists. I like that people go to it. I will support its funding, and get all poetically waxical about its essential role in life pushing forward.

I just don’t want to go.

Husband: “I don’t know. It’s some deep-seated fear of yours. It’s why you hate drama kids.” (I don’t hate you drama kids.)
Husband: “It’s why you hate the Hokey Pokey.” (I do. Oh god I do.)
Me: “But the Hokey Pokey isn’t pretending…”
Husband: “Yeaaaah, but it’s the same sort of thing. There’s something in there and you don’t like it. No sir, not one bit.”

Well, maybe I will never Stop Worrying And Learn To Love The Hokey Pokey.

But… there is a spot in my heart for the Tickle Trunk.

Maybe one day it’ll grow a few sizes.

p.s. Aaaahhhh and how much did I love when he’d go to the shelf behind the tickle trunk and there would be some crazy adventure about the figurines back there. I may hate pretending, but everyone loves a good backstory.

p.p.s. Where by “figurines” I of course note they are stuffed animals. Touché furries.

I finally got to Dollhouse, and I wish I could go back.

Spoiler alert: Season 1 of Dollhouse contains rape.

How much rape? SO MUCH RAPE.
Joss: Would you like some rape plots to go with your rape subplots?
Me: No. No, I would not Joss. Of course not.

Dollhouse. More like Rapehouse. Population: rapity rape rape rape rape rapetown. With a main of rape, dressed in rapesauce, featuring creme de rape for dessert.

And when it’s not flat out rape, it’s hypersexualized violence. Holy sexy sexy slashy face wounds Batman!

The rape with rape on rape effect was especially potent as I was bingewatching Dollhouse after getting home from travel (travel summary: Chile was chilly). I was too fried to do anything but sleep and eat and recharge on The Husband — the man is the human equivalent of footie pyjamas.

We started keeping track of how many episodes either starred or subplotted around rape, but then we got bored, because the answer was All The Episodez. An episode guest starring Rape, followed by an episode featuring Rape, and then the story arc continued with… wait for it… recurring character: Moar Rape.

The fuck Joss. The. Fuck.

Soooo…. yeah. All done Season 1. Deeply uninspired to watch Season 2. And, very sadly, this experience has cost me more than a little Faith (GET IT?!) in Whedontopia.

It’s not just because I have zero interest in shows featuring rape. It’s because it’s just so … lazy. Rape is shooting the beloved pet, beating up the nerd in the locker room. It’s what a writer busts out when they can’t be bothered to come up with nuanced characters, complex backstories and motivations. It’s goodfernuthin, socially-destructive, normalizing shorthand. The Bad Guy(s). The Broken Girl(s). Done.

In the worst — and increasingly frequent — cases, rape is used the same way they’d use an actual sexyfuntimez scene, to make the show titillating. It’s like the deeply depressing observation that it’s easier to show a woman’s breast being cut off than to show it being kissed. Spoiler #2! Kissing is so much better! Yay kissing! Actual pleasure! wheeeeeeeee!!! Team Geniune Sexyfuntimez FTW!

Also, this:
KevinB Aug 29, 2009
The only way I could give this a positive score is if the second season reveals that Dushku’s character is actually a horrible actress and the real life Dushku is an incredible actress, acting like a horrible actress, who is acting like randomly-generated personalities. Bring back Firefly.”

The opening credits, listing all the many ensemble actors and actresses, but showing only footage of DushkuDushkuDushku (seriously, did her granny crochet those thigh-highs for her? *shudder*) led me to come up with own version of the theme song. Main lyric: “It’s the Eliiiiza Dushkuuuu shoooow!”

TV, you have failed me again. I guess I’ll just have to go back to reading books. But not Game of Thrones because… sigh.

Why does the dog become a star? Where does his little doggie body go? Why doesn’t he get a helmet? Dogs need oxygen too! Oh god, here come the nightmares again… RUN SCRUFFY RUN!!

Email fairies

No, I don’t mean “send a nice catch-up message to your favourite homosexual person(s)”. Though you can do that too of course. I’ll wait here. (Mostly thinking about how cool it would be if calling someone a “fairy” as a pejorative slur instantly granted them magical fairy powers…of wroth and vengeance).

I mean: I need to procure a mail service where dispassionate people edit my replies to shitty emails.

I will hit send, and *floopitybloopityMAGIC* it will first be fired off to my team of email fairies. Who will edit out all the snark and edge I won’t even notice is there (until I re-read it immediately after sending), and edit in some nice productive conversation starters.  Simultaneously side-stepping and extinguishing any and all flaming piles of poop.

Option 2: I continue to try and develop these abilities in myself.


Sigh. Type. Pause. Delete delete delete delete….

Continue Reading →

In this King’s Quest game of life.

Sometimes, in this King’s Quest game of life, you find the dragon’s lair before you’ve found the dagger.

And sometimes you won’t plummet to your death if you can just manage to stay on the 5px ledge (which you can’t see).

And sometimes it’s just an oak tree, and sometimes it’s an oak tree with a golden egg in it.

And sometimes you cross onto a new screen and OH SHIT there’s the ogre and he’s ogre-ing his way down the screen to get you.

But sometimes, sometimes you’re still close enough to the corner that you manage to make it back out of there alive.

Plus it makes your brain, like, super skinny

So since I broke my iPod with sweat (HI-FIVE!), my ears are out flapping in the breeze when I “run”, and often catch little snippets of conversations.

Like this gem:

Coming up behind a woman walking down the street, I half notice that she’s wearing all workout gear, and looks quite fit (Women: 1, Deification of Malnourishment: 0). But as I jog past, I hear her cell phone conversation…

“… so I’m working out every day. I know right? I’m trying to lose, like, a pound a day.”


You win this round, Emaciation De-emancipation.


We call this section of trail “Hobbiton”:

This is “Sharky”. He keeps tools in his mouth. When you put them back in, he makes a gobbling noise. When you take them out, he barfs. Sharky is awesome and I love him.*

*Note: Sharky is not available for purchase in stores. Sharky is only available at the bottom of a totally gross bag filled with your hubby’s now-decrepit rock climbing shoes and misc leaky bike tubes and when you find him you squeal with delight and shout “YOU’RE GOING ON MY BIKE YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!”
** Note #2: Sound effects happily supplied by user.

Dad 2.0

On February 3rd, my dad would have turned 60. I would have taken him to New York. We would have had a massive celebration that he had, as planned, “made it”. Now with new and improved hip and heart. That is not what happened, as he died suddenly at the end of May last year.

I last saw him a few days before he died, when he told me that while he loved the clients he was going to see, he really didn’t want to go on the trip, and was tired of travelling so much. He hardly ever said things like this — he was pretty die-hard about putting a positive face on things — and it struck me as such an unusual thing for him to say. He was pretty grumpy about it : )

I used to speak with him nearly every day, and he was easily one of my best friends. The abruptness of losing him, and the ongoing pain about what he lost are difficult things to find places for.

On his 60th, I was in South Africa. It occurred to me that, though it was not a planned “escape”, perhaps it would be an accidental perfect solution. That I would inadvertently end up ten thousand kilometers away from reminders and habits and sadness.

The twist was that, on his 60th, I ended up in a facilitated strategic planning session. With all of his favourite work words thick in the air. For tea, they served carrot cake. The old man’s favourite food of all time, double stamped-it.

My brother (whose birthday is on Sunday, so if you see him, give him a big birthday hug) wrote the post below. He nailed it, so I’m just going to repost it wholesale here.

Happy Birthday Dad, big love.

From Pample the Moose

Remembering My Dad, Bryan Hayday

Dad - Thanksgiving 3Today would have been my Dad’s 60th birthday. We had been planning to hold a huge celebration, because making it to sixty years old was going to be a really big deal. His father (Ron), my Grandpa, had died at age 54, and his younger brother, my Uncle Wayne, had also passed away quite young, at 51. Dad used to joke that with every day he lived, he was setting records as the longest-lived Hayday male in Canada (our British relatives, it seems, fare better in the longevity department). The significance of this birthday was going to be even greater after he made it through a very difficult (and out-of-the-blue) heart surgery in the summer of 2010.

Instead, Dad passed away suddenly at the end of last May while away on a business trip in northern Ontario. We had no warning signs. In fact, he had breezed through hip surgery in early April, and at Easter we were referring to him as Bryan 2.0 (“now with titanium hip!”). Easter was the last time that I saw Dad in person, and he was looking relaxed and happy. He was less happy when we spoke on the phone on election night, but that was political, not anything to do with his personal life or health. In the last months of his life, I always got the impression that he was feeling calmer, less overwhelmed with work, and more serene about his life and his future, and looking forward to future adventures. I suppose that if anything, I can be thankful that he was in a good place in his life when he passed away.

Dad, Matt, SarahBut that being said, I still feel robbed of the time that I won’t get to have with my father. For all that he travelled a lot, he had never been to New York City, one of my favourite places to vacation, and frequently mentioned his desire to go there some day. My sister and I had planned to take him this year, once his hip was fully recovered and he was up to long walks around the city. And over the past 8 months, I have constantly been reminded of how Dad was my “go-to” guy to get excited about accomplishments in my life. When I was a teenager, I used to get a bit irritated about how Dad would “brag” about us kids to his colleagues and friends. But when I got older, I appreciated his excitement. He was almost giddy with pride at graduations, and eager to share in our personal and professional achievements. I knew that I could count on him to buy up copies of my books to send to his friends. And after his cheeky comments about my first book, I was certainly going to find a way to “include an exciting car chase” to add a bit more action and zip to my next book (I’m still wrestling with how to work that into a discussion of Canadian bilingualism, but I’ll find a way!)

February was (and remains) “birthday month” in my family. My Dad’s birthday is today, and my own and my sister Catherine’s fall later in the month. So one big joint birthday party was often how we celebrated. It’s not going to be the same from now on. I miss you Dad. Happy 60th birthday! I wish you were still here so we could celebrate it with you.

Some problems with LoTR: Elf Edition

(“It’s pronounced KEL-eh-born, not SEL-eh-born“. Oh Cats, that is never getting old.)

A couple of nights ago, I was having trouble sleeping. So I did what anyone would do, and popped in some of the DVDs from the Lord of the Rings: Elf Edition.

You may not be familiar with the “Elf Editions”. You may know them by their more formal name “The Special Extended Editions”.

But when my husband put them on his Christmas list back when they were released, he referred to them as the Elf Editions (on account of how almost all the extra footage is elfs walking around Being Tall). So that’s what I thought they were called. And that’s what I asked for. In store after store. Getting confused looks. Over and over. Never in stock. Where could it be. Why didn’t anyone have the Elf Edition? (“No, not the one that comes with the elf action figure. The Elf Edition, THE ELF EDITION!”)


So anyways, I was watching LoTR: Elf Edition. And a couple of things were bugging me. It turns out that yelling them at the screen wasn’t sufficiently cathartic, so here they are again. You’re welcome nerds.

1. Sam: Everything dampens his spirits.

“Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it Sam?”

What? Seriously Frodo, what epic trip are you on? Because in the one I’m watching everything bothers Sam. Sam is scowling or moping throughout this entire movie. He’s never been so far away from The Shire, Merry and Pippin can’t take a coupla carrots from Farmer Maggot. He’s sick of lembas bread. He wants a potato. He thinks Gollum is trying to kill him. I could go on.

Even if Frodo hadn’t noticed before, how about five seconds after Frodo makes this comment, when Sam is a pussy about it raining. For frack’s sake hobbit. You’re like this -> <- close to Mordor. And you’re sad cuz it’s raining? Just thank your hobbit god for every second you’re not being gutted by an orc. More like Samwise the Mopey.

2. Everyone seems to know about the one ring, except for the ancient and powerful all-knowing wizard.

When Bilbo goes all uncut-cocaine over a ring, Gandalf has to look that shit up. The superduper powerful smart wizard has to get his ass to the library. He has to go all the way to Gondor’s sub-basement level 4, and leaf through moldy papers for daaaaays to find out what it is.

Everyone else? They just know. Boromir. He knows. Faramir. The foot soldiers. That kid who throws a rock at the Uruk-hai? I bet he knows too. They’re all “oh, you mean, he has The One Ring? Yeah. Y’know. The One Ring. The weapon of the enemy. Doy. Do you have any more Mithril? Because I’m about to get smote bitches.”

Even fucking Galadriel is all “and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost”. Were they? Were they Galadriel? Cuz for a secret lost forgotten thing, everyone is talking about it a lot. The One Ring is everybody’s virginity in the locker room of Middle Earth.

Y’know what. Forget that second one. Frodo has a big mouth. He probably just didn’t keep it secret or safe enough. He can’t stop telling people about his burden. It’s mine. I alone have to do it. No giant strapping men, I don’t want you — who know the way and are fucking burly — to defend me from countless baddies. Wah wah. It burns. It’s heavy. That guy’s looking at me. It’s all on me, even though Sam literally carries him to the finish line.

Hmmm. Okay. Forget the first one too. I forgive Sam for being Sammopey the Jowly. If you carry someone over hot lava, you get a pass. But fuck you Frodo. Fuck you.

p.s. Frodes, after all that, you didn’t even finish your mission. Did you cast the ring into the fire? Like you were supposed to? This whole time? NO. Gollum had to bite your finger off to finish the job. So really, Gollum got it done. All you did was have fingers. A monkey could have done that. A monkey. What you “did” didn’t even require opposable thumbs. Slow clap buddy, slow chewed off finger clap.

*LoTR Easter Egg: Look for the scene where Pippin is showing way too much chest hair for an innocent little hobbit. I have ruined this movie for more than one friend by pointing this out. You can’t unsee it people, you can’t unsee it.

Scenes from a (good) marriage


[About 5 minutes into his side of the conversation…]

Husband: “… so I really love my $1000 amp, but the one thing I’d change is to have the split head and cab version. And this would be about $500, but if I could get $700 for the one I have, then it would only be a few hundred to upgrade and…”

[Few more minutes of discussing ups and downs of a few hundred here and there…]

Husband: “So what do you think I should do?”

Me: “I bought gloves for running today. They were $29.99.”

Him: “…”

Me: “I was looking at the $35 ones, but then I was like ‘dude, let’s not go crazy with this’. I mean, $35. So I went with the $29.99 ones, because they also come with a hat, and I had been waiting to buy a hat too, so this way I could get both for $29.99.”

Him: “…”

Me: “I also stopped in to see if I could pick up another pack of those cloth napkins while they’re on sale for $12.99. Because that’s $4 less than usual.”

Him: “…”

Me: “Sorry, what was your question again?”

Him: “Yes, you’re very clever and funny.”


I’m working in my office, and hear Husband waking up in the other room. Mumbley mumbley waking up noises. Something that sounds like a sentence directed at me. I can only assume it’s about the cow sock I put on his foot while it was sticking out from under the covers…


Husband came through to ask that when I turn on the heat in the morning (broken furnace shmoken furnace), could I please also take the big duvet off of him, because he gets stuck under it (it’s true, he does).

Me: [shmooshing his face between my hands] “Sure thing baby. Do you get twapped under da big heavy bwankie? Is it hard cuz you get all stucksy wucksy in your bedsie? Poor widdle munchiekins!”

Him: [hands on hips] “Make. Me. Oatmeal.” [turns on heel and leaves my office].

And I did.

The End.