Bodies at rest lie on the couch, bodies in motion do laundry and go to the gym and work on websites and play guitar and…

*deep breath*

I should be brought in to science lectures as Exhibit A proof of Newton’s first law:

“An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external and unbalanced force. An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external and unbalanced force.”

“A Catherine in motion will be an unstoppable force of productivity. If acted on by caffeine, this force will escalate to whirlwind grade task completion. However, if she stops activity, she will grind to a comatose-like halt until next prodded into action.”

My activity levels are probably best captured by sound effects. Like the sound of something hand-cranked when you make the first labourious pulls — a slow, heavy grinding. Until you build up some momentum and the gears turn on their own, in an elegant whirring mechanical frenzy of action.

Sure, it would be good to lead a balanced “a little action every day” sort of life. Good in a three square meals, matching socks, ocean sounds, structured sort of way. But not good in the “I got 15gajillion things done today, LIKE A FOX.” sort of way.*

One day I may live life as a string of calm well-sorted well-balanced days. But today is not that day. Today, I live LIKE A FOX.**

*This may be nonsensical to people who don’t know how fun it is to add the phrase “like a fox” to the end of most sentences.


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