Checks in boxes.

As we get down into wedding in T minus 5 weeks, it’s getting busier. Still hand-wavey, but definitely more pressing, and more “ooooo yeah, we really need to do that now. and that. and that…”

One of the ‘thats’ being cake ordering, one sorting out the DJ, and one dance lessons. And even though the dance is basic, I can’t help but think of the quote about Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers:

“…she did everything Fred Astaire did, only backwards and in high heels.”

How I’m managing all these balls in the air, including work contracts, is by adding another (more sparkly and multicoloured) one: videogames.

Specifically one videogame. Specifically Odin Sphere.

Curse you multifaceted narrative-driven videogames! I’m such a junkie for completion. Gimme something I find interesting and I will forgo sleep, food, water, and sunlight to see it through.
When I finish The Puzzle Instinct, I’m sure I will have a more pithy explanation for why this obsessive gaming is good for me. But unpithily, it is because it fills the void in a time when your brain is acheing for tangible, solveable and relatively immediate problems. Wedding-planning goes on, and on and on. Work goes on and on. But leveling up? Making a potion? Optimizing your phozons? Slaying the dragon? Easy. Peezy.

In moderation of course.  Last night I took it too far.  So now I must review documents through bloodshot eyes, eyes behind which, when closed, I can still see new items bouncing on the ground needing to be picked up.  Treasure needing to be opened, barbarian warriors needing to be bashed…

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