Closing conversations

Or opening, depending on your perspective.

We could try and have more stuff on the go at the moment, but we’d be pretty hardpressed. Most free moments are spoken for, and as a result, my dreams have become asininely boring.

I am dreaming about the most perfunctory real life activities. The only difference between my waking and dreaming life right now is that I can’t take the tasks I’m doing in my dreams off my to-do list.

Just now for instance. I doze off for what should be a nice warm Sunday afternoon nap. And where did my subconscious take me? To a store to discuss wedding registry logistics.

Worse still, I keep waking myself up with the sound of my voice. As the last few conversations I have in my dream I actually have out loud. I’m waking myself up because I hear myself thanking someone for their help in finding the steak knives. Complimenting them on their online store. Asking to confirm their contact information.

“That’s great, thank you very much.” <<blink>>

Though since I’m only sleeping lightly, it’s hard for me to shake myself out of it into full awakeness (maybe complicated by the only semantic difference between the activities of the two states). Which often ends with me calling out to the EF when I register him walking past the door, and asking him to help me wake up.

He’s helpful, and always brings me back from the registry counter/information line/bank/meeting, and makes sure that I don’t inadvertently kick the cat (who is snoozing against my leg) as I awake. But it would be better if he didn’t think it was all riotously funny… 😛

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