Married Life: Quarters!

When we moved here, I rolled our (motherfuckin’) stockpile of laundry quarters and loonies. A housewarming accomplishment gift to ourselves. No more schlepping laundry up and down 3 flights of stairs, instead we would have ensuite laundry and (motherfuckin’) espresso on-demand.

Oh. yeah.

The espresso machine is, quoth the husband: “The greatest thing we have ever purchased.”

But one espresso machine later, and I find myself still in the habit of separating out quarters and loonies. They are “special” change, and I just can’t mix them in with those plebby nickels and dimes.

So I’m still compulsively putting them aside. Dimes and lower go into the R2D2 piggy bank (no, really). And quarters and loonies go into the little plastic coin roll beds that sit beside it. To be filled and thwacked shut and taken to the bank, for who knows what adventure?!

The husband is on board with my sorting. But we had to balance out whether or not I take the change from his office. Since no one likes to find their stockpile of change suddenly missing. Our arrangement was that he will put quarters that are “ready to go” on the top of the laundry shelf. Done.

But on our way to bed one evening, he noticed me walk past the laundry shelf without picking up the quarters. “Sweetie? Didn’t you see I left quarters on there for you?”

Me: *pause*
Him: “Bunny?”
Me: “Um. Yes, I noticed.”
Him: “And? I thought you liked finding them there?”
Me: “… well, the thing is.. I was saving them for the morning.”
Him: “You were… what?”
Me: “Yeah, well… I really like finding quarters. They’re like a little surprise. So sometimes I save them until the morning. I like discovering them. It’s like a tiny treasure hunt.”
Him: “I see.”

Since this conversation, I have started to find quarters everywhere. Beside the printer. On my bookshelf. Beside my water glass. Balanced on the lamp’s switch. Placed perfectly on the round ends of the shelving unit.

And damned if it doesn’t make me incredibly happy every damn time. It’s like the whole house is a plum pudding, but without the troublesome pudding bit.

Man I love that guy.


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