Friday’s thoughts…

I got tired of losing all my thoughts by the time I get home – so this Friday I wrote them out on a tiny post-it whenever they came up.

Here’s what I got:
-no organization comes up with unique products/solutions/thoughts. They have summer students/young employees come up with 2 or 3, then they get recycled to death.

-if there is one employee who causes problems with *everyone*, why do other people get fired? Through sheer numbers shouldn’t they be overwhelmed and pushed out?

-endless corrections are demotivating. This is a problem when managers don’t generate anything, so they “participate” by editing other people’s content.

-how is it that there are hordes of young people who take jobs at companies/in fields they are completely opposed to (e.g. the pharmaceutical industry), but think it’s okay because “they know it’s wrong”

-I spent the last half of my Friday alternately chewing on, and wearing my ring on the tip of my nose (it’s a mesh beaded thing). Yet, because I didn’t leave before 5, I didn’t feel guilty. If I had admitted that there was nothing doing in my cube and gone home early, I would have beaten myself up about it all weekend.

-our online folders for work are organized so tightly that it’s a big fat mess and you can’t find what you need because there are so many subdivisions. So people don’t really use it properly. Why not just admit at the beginning that you need an equivalent to a “misc” folder. For instance, give all employees a personal folder online, named for them. Most people know who wrote the file they’re looking for, and they could just go to “rinjava” and find it.

-any project CAN have lots of management, but not all projects NEED lots of management

-note to self: design a dream office

-what came first, the privacy or the efficiency? How incredibly hard it is to generate good content in a loud open space. What I wouldn’t give for a door.

-our office uses pass cards. Which you wear clipped to your belt loop. You put it against a sensor by the door to get in. I’d love to set up a camera just to record people doing the “pass card hump”

That’s all. Have a good week folks!

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