But I’m all done being a grown-up for today.

Sometimes being a grown-up sucks ass. First there are fruitflies, and then there are moths.

Actually, first there are moths, then there are fruitflies. But we knew where the fruitflies were coming from, the moths we can only set traps for, and kill, and put cedar by our clothes and our food in tupperware. (I swear to god, despite the contrary evidence of these infestations, I really do run a clean house…)

But then in the process of cleaning up for the fruitflies, you come across moth larvae (google it yourself, I don’t wanna put the picture up). Just a couple. And a couple of dead moths. (They have appeared to be dying out since we took preventative moth-measures). And you think, huh.

And then you start cleaning out your cool Ikea food storage thing:


(Which everyone compliments you on, cuz it looks so pretty and inspiring when filled with flour and salt and oats and such.)

And that’s when you find them. In with, of all things, the sunflower seeds. Moths, moth larvae. A writhing moth smorgasbord of “EW GROSS”ness.

But you’re a grown-up now, so what can you do? I guess you could wait for your partner to come home and get them to do it (tempting, but not really my style). So while giving your partner colour commentary on IM (now that is my style), you deal with it. You kill what you can, drown the rest, dispose of things, take the garbage straight out of the house, and sterilize the crap out of whatever you can find.

Because that’s what being a grown-up is all about. Unexpectedly discovering moths, and then dealing with it. Putting the flexibility into your food budget to be able to chuck out your flour because the critters got into it. Buying better containers to critter-proof things for the future. You can swear and shudder and cringe and talk yourself through it (“I am a big scary adult”), but if you don’t take care of your house, no one will. It is now your job to:

Deal. with. the. nasties.

That is what being a grown-up means.

That, and getting to eat cookies whenever you want to.


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