Closing conversations

Or opening, depending on your perspective.

We could try and have more stuff on the go at the moment, but we’d be pretty hardpressed. Most free moments are spoken for, and as a result, my dreams have become asininely boring.

I am dreaming about the most perfunctory real life activities. The only difference between my waking and dreaming life right now is that I can’t take the tasks I’m doing in my dreams off my to-do list.

Just now for instance. I doze off for what should be a nice warm Sunday afternoon nap. And where did my subconscious take me? To a store to discuss wedding registry logistics.

Worse still, I keep waking myself up with the sound of my voice. As the last few conversations I have in my dream I actually have out loud. I’m waking myself up because I hear myself thanking someone for their help in finding the steak knives. Complimenting them on their online store. Asking to confirm their contact information.

“That’s great, thank you very much.” <<blink>>

Though since I’m only sleeping lightly, it’s hard for me to shake myself out of it into full awakeness (maybe complicated by the only semantic difference between the activities of the two states). Which often ends with me calling out to the EF when I register him walking past the door, and asking him to help me wake up.

He’s helpful, and always brings me back from the registry counter/information line/bank/meeting, and makes sure that I don’t inadvertently kick the cat (who is snoozing against my leg) as I awake. But it would be better if he didn’t think it was all riotously funny… 😛

I’m marrying Doctor Who!

No, not really.

But my everloving fiance (the EF) just shaved off the beard he has worn steadily for the past 7.5 years.  7.5 years.  Slightly longer than we have been together.  So that in all our time together I had /never/ seen him without a beard.

Until now.  Until yesterday evening.  When he revealed that for all of these years, I have actually been cohabitating with a red-haired David Tennant.

And, might I add:



It’s important to keep these skills sharp.

The EF just bought a bike stand, to further enhance his mad trials riding experience. While the bike stand is collapsible to a smallish size, it comes packaged in a rather large cardboard box.

Anyone who during their childhood had a neighbour who bought a fridge, stove, dishwasher or other large appliance, will realize the significance of a ‘rather large cardboard box’.

I had no choice.

So when the EF came in off the balcony, he found me in the hallway, in the box. Looking quite pleased with myself.

If only it had come packaged in bubblewrap… 🙂

PJ Progression.

I am home-based these days (as opposed to cube-based). Which makes me so happy I don’t have the words.

Home-based means you don’t run out the door in the morning. It means you don’t have to shove yourself out of bed. It means homecooked food, flexible days, and the ability to say “it’s gorgeous today! I’m going to go outside.” (<-how broken is it if in a whole day you can’t /go outside/ for 2 minutes).

It also means a certain… laxness to the wardrobe. In my previous positions, the contracts have usually made at least a passing mention to ‘appropriate business attire’. In my last contract, that’s actually the exact phrase. In the midst of: “…shall conform to the Client’s business policies, standards and conventions, including personnel standards. These include… appropriate business attire.” And when I’m working in an office, I adhere to these rules.*

But my kitty enforces no such rules. Her only standard is “something that means I can loll about on your knees without you throwing me off”. Her bar is low (which makes sense, as she’s really short — har dee har).

And my EF also doesn’t seem to give a toss. He has this whole “but you’re always beautiful” attitude which never ceases to amaze me. (<-and also leads me to test him. I like to seek him out when I’m at my most unsexy and be all “what about now?”. The little bugger always says yes.**)

Which leaves me entirely to my own whims and inclinations. MWAHAHAHA…

But I observed the other day that outside of “comfy”, what I end up wearing is less ‘planned’, and more ‘evolved’.

I get up in the morning around when the EF does, make him coffee and something for breakfast (usually). And then he leaves. And what I /should/ do is have a morning routine. A whole shower, make-the-bed, wash the dishes, get dressed sort of thing (not in that order). But I don’t. Almost unfailingly blameable on the computer. Because I make myself breakfast, and instead of eating it and then getting on with my day in a focused way, I sit down to “just reply to that one email”. Then I reply to a few emails. And check my rss feed. And watch something on YouTube. Work on a project. Chat with someone(s) on GMail. And before you know it, it’s noon:30 and I’m still going through my day by cobbling it together.

And, by extension, my outfit.

I start of in some form of pj. And then in amongst the emailing, rssing and breakfasting, I gradually add and replace layers until I end up enough clothes of the right variety that I can call myself “dressed”.

Take yesterday. Where by mid-afternoon I was wearing the socks I threw on in the morning (when I got out of bed to make EF breakkie), a pair of his torn sweatpants (which I adore and have officially adopted), a tshirt, a pair of loafers (my feet were chilly), and a small cashmere cardigan I bought secondhand.

Not one of these items matched. Though a good many of them were clean (<-it’s all about the small victories). Pale pale mauve sweater, black shirt, heather grey sweatpants with a fluorescent yellow and pink Nike logo (and bleach stains), white socks, hemp loafers. Oh, and a clip to keep my hair out of sight and mind.

Cuh-luh-assy. 🙂 For some reason, I just don’t look like the lady in the Ikea catalogue in her home office. But I think I’m okay with that, as she looks like she’s lost all perspective on appropriate use of caffeine.

*Though at my last job, I did somehow got the reputation of having a little too much ‘personality’ in my Friday wardrobe (there is nothing wrong, and very much right, with a Kozyndan tshirt of a bunny wearing headphones). And a smidge too little Yorkville in my weekly wardrobe (I will not wear heels to work. I will wear appropriate, good-looking shoes. But you’ll find me wearing heels to appease a boss over my cold dead flats-wearing body.)

**That is not to say he’s a love-blind idiot. If I make a something-in-my-teeth face, and my hair is greasy and I’ve just spilled pasta sauce down my front, he will concede that I’m not looking my “best”. 🙂