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I’m going to physio for my knee. So it would be really helpful, and nice for the big money I’m shelling out, to have the various physios be consistent in what I’m supposed to be doing. Heck, I’d settle for consistent in what the problem is.

Doctor: Your patellas are really moveable in all directions, which means that they slide all over your knee. Which is good because you have a wide range of motion, and bad because your tendons have to work extra hard all the time.

Physio 1: You are really tight on that one side of your knee, so your patella always slips in to the inside when you walk.

Physio 2: Your knee movement when you walk is fine, there doesn’t seem to be anything to worry about there.

Doctor: Ice your knee 4x a day, and take 2 advil twice daily with food.

Physio 2: It’s really stupid to bother icing your knee, it won’t make any difference.

How about a little harmony here people? I mean, *you all work in the same office*. Sit down together, say once a week, just have a coffee, a little chat ferchrissakes…

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