He’s not as innocent as he looks.

Some of you (*cough*V*cough*) make little sad faces while reciting back to me some of the “things I don’t get tired of doing to my husband“. “Poor guy” you say. Envisioning his life of constant rastling torment.

And so.

I thought I would share this evening’s extremely common occurrence.

That is, I am working, and he decides he wants my attention. And there is only one way my husband wants my attention, and that is RIGHT NOW.

I must emit some sort of “on-a-deadline” pheromone, because that seems to be the only time he gets this overwhelming urge speak with me immediately.

When he gets something in his little brain that he wants to tell me about, god help us all. “Stubborn” does not begin to describe this man.

It does not matter if I tell him I only need 5 minutes to send this document/ write this email/ finish this report. If anything, that just triggers some weird panic system where he really really can’t wait. If I ask for 5 minutes of quiet, he’ll give me at best 15 seconds. Then he’ll try again. Then he’ll likely start narrating about how he’s being quiet. Then he’ll lie down on the floor next to me. Then he’ll start talking about the underside of the coffee table. Or the ceiling. Or what we should do with the light fixtures. Or imitate some noise he’s hearing (like this evening’s extended remix version of “what the cat sounds like when she’s eating wet food”).

Then I will stop and say something along the lines of “honey! for god’s sake! please please just be quiet for 30 seconds! I literally need to read this email through once and then I can hit send and you can tell me whatever you want!”

Cue a sigh. Followed by another 10 seconds of silence, and then perhaps humming, then… you name it. If I’m lucky he’ll go and practice guitar. Without his headphones on.

(He might even patter back down the hall two chords in to ask if it’s been 5 minutes yet.)

Now, bear in mind that in 10 years of being together, I don’t think a single one of these musthappenrightnow conversations has ever ever actually qualified as urgent. This evening for instance? He wanted to talk to me about espresso machines. Sometimes he wants to tell me about music theory. Or the recycling. Or what he should have as a snack.

See? Wolf in a really frustrating sheep’s clothing. He’s lucky he’s cute. 🙂

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